I am learning web design and development. I work volunteerily as a content writer in Personal Skill Development. I also teach martial arts at CIVA, Fulki, HSKA and Quest International School in Chittagon, Bangladesh. I also learn Shotokan Karate at Honke Shotokan Karate Do-Association. I am motivated to inspire others for fitness. I also make animations or edit videos for my Karate memes page Karatememesholics. and The buzz bee animation. The Buzz Bee animation. I can communicate in Korean language. I would love to become a lifelong-learner and tavel the whole world especially South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Greece, Switzerland, Egypt and Italy. I make origamis or watch movies when I get leisure time. My idols are my mother, Mou, Walter Elias Disney,Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Greta Thunberg, Jacinda Ardern, Mohammad ali and Jordan Yeoh.
I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know how to make a website function, efficient and manually produce ideas too. I didn't stop with the web. Furthermore, I am well adapted with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. And have knowledge or information concerning the deployment, server and security. I am here to provide you 100% web solution. In coding, Python is my passion!
For being a baby web developer, they did not offer me a job. But I trained myself under their supervision as a beginner developer. We created our own portfolios, personal website and few projects. You can ask for their reviews about me. Their team uploaded the content. It was fun working at Programming Hero. Kudos to them.